Miuccio Real Estate Group
Project Objective
To create a best-in-class real estate website for blossoming, Albany-based agency Miuccio Group, featuring custom, expertly branded design and integration with regional MLS feed data via the RealtyNA platform. Miuccio Group also sought graphic design support from 3Lane for the creation of various supplementary marketing collateral, including a branded “map” showcasing their service areas.

3Lane Approach
3Lane guided Muiccio Group on the selection, acquistion and integration of features available through the robust RealtyNA platform, especially as they related to search filters aligned with audience interests, such as searching homes by proximity to school zones or by neighborhood. The custom website was designed and built to be consistent with Miuccio’s Group elegant brand visual identity and to be on par with the elite high-end real estate websites available in larger metropolitan areas, establishing Miuccio Group as a leader in its niche.
Our Services
Brand Strategy & Design
Print Design
Research Analytics & Insights
SEO & Digital Advertising
Concept Development
Event & Trade Promotion
Web Design & Mobile Apps
Native, Influencer & Social Strategy
Let's Get Started
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